Invited Speakers
List of invited speakers (more to be announced soon)
Keynote speakers
Alexander Khanikaev (The City College of New York – USA)
Mohamed Hafezi (University of Maryland – USA)
Mercedeh Khajavikhan (University of Southern California – USA)
Andrea Alu (The City College of New York – USA)
Shanhui Fan (Stanford Universtiy, CA, USA)
Invited speakers
Mário G. Silveirinha (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon – Portugal)
Konstantin Bliokh (Riken – Japan)
Maia Garcia-Verniory (Max Planck for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany and DIPC – Spain)
Ewold Verhagen (AMOLF – The Netherlands)
Alejandro González-Tudela (CSIC – Spain)
Pedro David García (ICN2 – Spain)
Alberto Amo (CNRS, Université de Lille – France)
Vincenzo Giannini (CSIC – Spain)
Sebastian Huber (ETH – Switzerland)
Beatriz Olmos (University of Tübingen, Germany)